Notice of resolution for minimum-maintenance road

Resolution 08/2024


Whereas,  Minn. Stat. 160.095 authorizes a town board as a road authority, to designate town roads as minimum-maintenance roads; and

 Whereas, the town board determines that the following Easterly portion of Fordyce Drive is used occasionally and intermittently for passenger and commercial traffic from the cul-de-sac at the top of the hill to the gate at the bottom of the hill (approximately 375 feet); and

Whereas, the White Oak town board town determined, after balancing various policy considerations, that designating this segment of Fordyce Drive as minimum-maintenance serves the public interest by apportioning limited road maintenance funds;

Now, Therefore, Be It resolved, that the town board of White Oak Township, Hubbard County, Minnesota does hereby designate the above described road segment, beginning at the East end of the cul-de-sac and ending at the Fordyce gate as indicated on the attached map, a minimum-maintenance road;

Be It Further Resolved, that minimum-maintenance signs shall be posted at the entry point and the cul-de-sac on Fordyce Drive.



Adopted this  6th day of August , 2024.



By the Board


____________Shelly Nelson____________________________

Town Chair




________Jeff Lindstrom________________________________

Town Clerk