application for driveway

White Oak Township

Access Driveway or Entrance Permit Application

Applicant ______________________________________________Address__________________________________________________

Phone_____________________________________  Email________________________________________________


Property Owner (if different) ____________________________________________________

Address___________________________________________________  Phone_________________________________


Legal description or Parcel # of property______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Exact location of requested driveway  (please flag)___________________________________________________


We (I) , the undersigned hereby make application to the White Oak Township Clerk for permission to construct an access driveway at the above location. 

Said driveway is to be constructed so it will enter the township road at a 90 degree angle.  The driveway shall not have blind approaches. The driveway shall be 6 inches lower than the roadway for 20ft back from the edge of the road surface.  A 15 inch metal or plastic culvert may be required for proper drainage at the owner’s expense.  It is recommended that if a plastic culvert is used that it have 24 inches of fill over the culvert to prevent crushing of the culvert.


Dated__________________    Applicant_________________________________________________________________